From the DNRC newsletter
Here are some more true quotes from Induhviduals as reported by DNRC field operatives.
“the cream of the corn.”
“too many cooks in the broth.”
“The short answer is ‘Yes.’ The long answer is ‘No.'”
“Get your game faces on, because this is not a game!”
“Looks like I’ve spent the day chasing a wild herring! “
“We are the glue that keeps things moving. “
“Fits like a charm! Wait… fits like a shoe?”
“See me verbally.”
“That guy is running around like a chicken with his legs cut off.”
“It just like stealing teeth from a baby.”
“It’s like the rooster guarding the hen house.”
“That guy doesn’t have a spine to stand on.”
“If we don’t start shipping things sooner lead times will just get longer.”
“I can tell you this, they are all sitting 2 inches higher in their seats, because they all just crapped their pants.”
“You’re barking up a dead tree.”
“That’s my sixth cents, for what it’s worth.”
“That’s not his cup of cake.”
“You don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot because you might want to take a walk later.”
“That raised a human cry.”
(I admit, the last one stumped me until I said it out loud)