Jorahearned 307 points for:
- Mountain Climbers:
- 30 reps (+11 pts)
- 20 reps (+7 pts)
- 14 reps (+5 pts)
- Nasty rain and cold today. No way I’m going outside in workout clothes. Doing these as the ‘pre fatigue’ portion of the workout (idea found in ‘Corps Strength’ book)
- Body Weight Lunge:
- 20 reps (+25 pts)
- 16 reps (+20 pts)
- 12 reps (+15 pts)
- 8 reps (+10 pts)
- 4 reps (+5 pts)
- 1 reps (+5 pts)
- 2 reps (+5 pts)
- 3 reps (+5 pts)
- 4 reps (+5 pts)
- 5 reps (+6 pts)
- 4 reps (+5 pts)
- 3 reps (+5 pts)
- 2 reps (+5 pts)
- 1 reps (+5 pts)
- YAYOG W8/D2, Ladders. 1st ladder was back lunges w/3 sec hold at bottom, 2nd ladder was side lunges. ( NOTE: doing some abbreviated ladders today, running out of time)
- Box Jumps:
- 10 jumps || 22 in (+25 pts)
- 10 jumps || 14 in (+15 pts)
- 10 jumps || 7 in (+6 pts)
- Supposed to be doing toyotas, but there is NO way I’m doing Toyotas outside in this rain. I’m adding a 3-sec hold during the squat to mimic the Toyota workout as closely as I can. ( NOTE: adding the squat hold made these very hard)
- One-Leg Romanian Deadlift:
- 2 reps (+2 pts)
- 4 reps (+5 pts)
- 6 reps (+9 pts)
- 8 reps (+14 pts)
- 10 reps (+18 pts)
- 8 reps (+14 pts)
- YAYOG 1-leg RDLs, 1 pillow
- Rocking Standing Calf Raise:
- 50 lb x 10 reps (+6 pts)
- YAYOG 1-leg calf raise, 10 each side, 3-sec hold at top. Not part of today’s workout, just done to round out the legs workout.
- Plank:
- 141 sec (+49 pts)
- plank-a-day …planking while heating up my oats!