Day 20/70: Push

earned 516 points for:

  • Push-Up:
    • 19 reps (+28 pts)
    • 9 reps (+13 pts)
    • 9 reps (+13 pts)
    • 7 reps (+10 pts)
    • YAYOG: 1st Class program, Week 3, Day 1 (cycling back through): Push. 3 sets per exercise, 3 minute sets, no rests between exercises. I have to get to work early, so I’ll be finishing the outdoor portions of today’s workout after I get home (Farmer’s Walk and my jog)
  • Decline Push-Up:
    • 10 reps (+15 pts)
    • 7 reps (+10 pts)
    • 6 reps (+9 pts)
    • 12 reps (+18 pts)
    • 9 reps (+13 pts)
    • Declines done off of a 29 inch stability ball. Barely made 7 & 6 on those last two sets.
  • Standing Military Press:
    • 47 lb x 5 reps (+19 pts)
    • 47 lb x 5 reps (+19 pts)
    • 47 lb x 5 reps (+19 pts)
    • YAYOG Military Press, 1/4 body weight. Top of my left shoulder doesn’t like this one. Neither does the right base of my neck. Must be careful, that bad disc….
  • Close Grip Push-Up:
    • 5 reps (+8 pts)
    • 5 reps (+8 pts)
    • 5 reps (+8 pts)
    • These are hard!
  • Dips – Triceps Version:
    • 4 reps (+15 pts)
    • 4 reps (+15 pts)
    • 3 reps (+10 pts)
    • I have to figure out something better for these. My knees hit the floor when I use the bar stools.
  • Walked up the stairs (in lieu of the elevator):
    • 15 floors (+30 pts)
    • Took a few minutes during lunch to climb from the 27th to the 42nd floor of my office tower. Ouch. I clearly need to do this a LOT more often.
  • Dumbbell Bicep Curl:
    • 35 lb x 5 reps (+12 pts)
    • Bought a 35 lb bucket of cat litter. Did curls while waiting for my sandwich… 😉
  • Walking:
    • 0:14:14 || 1.1 mi (+55 pts)
  • Running:
    • 0:28:30 || 2.3 mi (+169 pts)
    • This jog was not to be. Late lunch caused belly discomfort, and my timer reset itself to zero.
Weight: 187

Author: Jorah

I grew up in New England, did a short stint in the U.S. Navy after high school, worked in various factories, built & renovated houses, and finally moved to the Carolinas in 1998 to start working at what was then a large regional bank and is now a really big nationwide bank. I work doing SharePoint management site management. After work I make soap, knit, ride my motorcycle, read, watch movies & eat. I ride a Yamaha V-Star 1300. I am pretty sure that I want to hike the Appalachian Trail someday, or possibly do a long-distance rowing trip. I'll be retiring in a few years, and hope to run a craft soap-making business to bring in some cash.