water, fur and flame

water, fur and flame

Casey writes:

ritual is a word that has lost much of its power, i think. people talk about empty rituals, and it is true that a ritual can be empty, or not entirely in tune with our times, but i think more often that we are enacting it emptily (if that’s a word) – – that we are mouthing or moving without really connecting with, learning about and from, and enlivening and bringing into the reality of our lives this ritual for ourselves.

This is thought provoking. I suspect that I’m going to have a lot to say about this article after I think about it for a while. But here is my first shot across your bow: One reason that people don’t do ritual right… is because ritual done right can change you, and change is frightening…

Author: Jorah

I grew up in New England, did a short stint in the U.S. Navy after high school, worked in various factories, built & renovated houses, and finally moved to the Carolinas in 1998 to start working at what was then a large regional bank and is now a really big nationwide bank. I work doing SharePoint management site management. After work I make soap, knit, ride my motorcycle, read, watch movies & eat. I ride a Yamaha V-Star 1300. I am pretty sure that I want to hike the Appalachian Trail someday, or possibly do a long-distance rowing trip. I'll be retiring in a few years, and hope to run a craft soap-making business to bring in some cash.