Drawings by Children

Things that make me go “hmmmmm” Drawings by Children

This website features a series of drawings made by children who were abducted by aliens for the alien purpose of creating a new race of alien/human hybrids.

The drawings show different aspects of the alien abduction phenomenon and include:

cruel medical procedures performed on children,

children boarding alien spacecraft with other aliens,

children playing with alien/hybrid children so the alien/hybrids can learn how to be human,

children being taken by aliens against their will, and

the types of aliens encountered by the abducted children.

The pictures were drawn by children who successfully resisted the aliens by using a “thought screen helmet” which blocks the telepathic control aliens have over humans.

The helmet is a leather hat lined with eight sheets of Velostat, an electrically conductive plastic used to prevent static electricity damage to electronic components. The girl in this photo has two other cloth hats lined with Velostat which she wears to school.